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Censure already headed down that road...
Censure already headed down that road...

Republican voters finally on Target!
Republican voters finally on Target!

U.S. Ports managed by the government... OF DUBAI!!!
U.S. Ports managed by the government... OF DUBAI!!!

The Administration STILL isn't shooting straight!!
The Administration STILL isn't shooting straight!!

Winning friends and influencing people - American style!
Winning friends and influencing people - American style!

State of the union?!?
State of the union?!?

Endangered species get the boot with HR3824!
Endangered species get the boot with HR3824!

The usual suspects...
The usual suspects...

Boomers exploding on overtaxed healthcare system
Boomers exploding on overtaxed healthcare system

Sam Alito hasn't been answering very many questions lately
Sam Alito hasn't been answering very many questions lately

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All material © 2005-2012 Keith Tucker