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Fox News, Washing Brains for Years!
Fox News, Washing Brains for Years!

GOP Family Values Exposed!
Republican Family Values, in Action

The head Bag-Lady?!?
Sarah's big T-Bag Party!

Health Care Passes!
Health Care Passes!

Texas Messes with School History Books!
Texas Messes with School History Books!

Today`s Labor Market
Today's Labor Market

Bunning: Weapon of Mass Obstruction...
Bunning: Weapon of Mass Obstruction...

Tough Shit!
Tough Shit!' - Sen. Bunning

The GOP Health Care Plan - We`re drawing a blank here!
The GOP Health Care Plan - We're drawing a blank here

The Health Care Summit - GOP Naptime!
The Health Care Summit

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All material © 2005-2012 Keith Tucker