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GOP, Republicans,party of no, stem cells, anchor babies,Obama,Muslims,9-11,ground zero,mosque,racism,vote,illegal aliens,nut jobs,wing nuts
The GOP'S Got Nothing!

anchor babies,14th amendment,constitutional amendment,alien mothers,naturalized,citizens,daily show, illegal immigration,GOP,Republicans,liberal,political cartoons,comics
Anchor Babies are Coming To Get You!

corporate welfare, bush tax cuts, recession, outsourcing, manufacturing,middle class, Cayman Islands,taxes,,jobs, economy,America,USA,profits, unemployment,workers, jobless recovery, hire,labor,liberal,progressive
Corporations Sitting on a Mountain of Cash, and not Hiring!

filibuster,GOP,jobs bill, small business,tax credits, obstructionism,party of no
Grand Obstructionist Party

Shirley Sherrod,Andrew Breitbart,blooger,right wing,fox news, hannity,limbaugh,tea party,NAACP,snookered,racism,freedom fund banquet,vilsack,conservative,movement,race baiting
Fox propoganda-gate race baiting... Is it 1984 yet?!?

voodoo economics,trickle down economy,GOP,supply-side economics,Money, Politics, political, cartoons, deregulation,jobs,depression,wall street
The GOP wants Even More Trickle Down Economy?!!

exports,America, jobs, outsourcing, manufacturing ,corporations,China,consumers,political,cartoons,economy Prosperity
America's Biggest Export, Our Jobs!!

supreme court, gun laws, reversal,Second Amendment,public safety,Chicago ,political, cartoons,firearms, regulations,National Rifle Association, state laws,rights
Supreme Court Reverses States Gun Bans

Outsource, Outsourcing, jobs, India, China,labor,recession,middle class,trade,nafta,cafta,tech,phones,telemarketers,call-centers,new, global economic order
We Want Our Jobs Back!

Bp , Bp Censorship , Bp Media Access , Bp Media Relations , BP Oil Spill , Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill ,Gulf Oil Spill , Oil Spill , Green News, political, cartoons,fossil fuels,editorial,illustration,tony hayward, bob dudley
Tony Hayward gets his life back

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All material © 2005-2012 Keith Tucker