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amy winehouse, death, thegood die young,Singer Amy Winehouse dies,Back to Black,drugs overdose,beehived soul-jazz diva,Troubled singer Winehouse,amy winehouse died,Amy Winehouse Cocaine , Amy Winehouse Crack , Amy Winehouse Dead
We miss you Amy!!

Murdoch Scandal , Rupert Murdoch , Wendi Deng , Jonnie Marbles , Jonnie Marbles Pie , Jonnie Marbles Rupert Murdoch , Murdoch Pie , Murdoch Pie In Face , Rupert Murdoch Phone Hacking , Rupert Murdoch Pie , Rupert Murdoch Pie In Face , Rupert Murdoch Pie
A Pie for Murdoch!

Rupert Murdoch,News Corp,News of the World,journalistic ethics, House of Commons,Sky Broadcasting,Fox news,wall street journal, Murdoch’s media empire, phone hacking in London by News Corp,despicable and unethical,political cartoons,9-11 victims
News Corp Stinks!

debt ceiling,default, defaulting on the nation�s debt,debt crisis,GOP,Republicans, uncle sam,U.S. Chamber of Commerce , National Association of Manufacturers (NAM),government,limited government,  House Majority Leader Eric Cantor ,social security
Debt Ceiling Hostage Crisis!

Michele Bachmann,Sarah Palin,Paul Revere,Wikipedia,1776,midnight ride,Congresswoman, John Quincy Adams, Michele Bachmann , Bachmann, Founding Fathers , Bachmann Quotes , Bachmann Slavery , Michele Bachmann John Quincy Adams , Michele Bachmann
Rewriting History for Dummies

Jon Stewart,the Daily Show, Fox News,Comedy central, pundits,The Best F#king News Team Ever,Sean Hannity,PolitiFact,Chris Wallace, Bill O`Reilly,political cartoons,liberal,progressive, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch,yellow journalism,glenn beck,rush limbaugh
Foux-Checkers revealed by Stewart!

free market, Alan Greenspan,three musketeers,Ayn Rand, Objectivism - Ethical egoism,monopolies,economies,Utopians, democracy, human rights,  Libertarianism,  Anarchy,U.S. economy,the great recession,the great depression,bankers,banksteers,taxation
The Free-Marketeers!

Sarah Palin, Paul Revere, midnight ride, lame stream media, gotcha questions, GOP, Republicans, tea party,Nationwide bus tour,Memorial Day,Palin cartoons,political cartoons,2012 election,Former Alaska Governor,liberal cartoons,progressive, politics
No Clue' Sarah Palin's got game!

sarah palin, rolling thunder,Nationwide bus tour,Memorial Day,motorcycle rally,Harley-Davidson motorcycle,Palin cartoons,political cartoons,2012 election,Motorcycle mamas,Washington DC,One Nation bus tour, veterans, Vietnam POWs,Former Alaska
Sarah Palin's Look at me Tour!

War in Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden dead, Taliban,Obama needs to pull us out of Afghanistan, roll back the lost freedoms in the PATRIOT Act,  restore posse comitatus, war is a racket, $60 billion in funding for the war in Afghanistan,Rethink Afghanistan
Memorial Day

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All material © 2005-2012 Keith Tucker