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Inside the Insiders Club!

2012 Elections,Mitt Romney,Romney flip flops, Romneyisms, General Motors,auto industry,Cayman Islands, Elections 2012,ROMNEY TAXES, Bain Capital, Mitt Romney 2012 , Romney Offshore Accounts , Romney Tax Returns,Tax Havens, Politics Cartoons,political cartoons,anti Romney cartoons,vulture capitalism, corporate welfare, class warfare,limited government,Republicans,GOP,Republicons,citizens united,flip flopper,presumptive nominee,etch a sketch,anti gay,Barack Obama, education, Environment, Gay Rights, Health Care Reform, Hispanics, Labor Rights, Latinos, Middle Class,  Mormons, Osama Bin Laden, Poverty, Presidential Election of 2012, Religious Right, Republican Party, Social Safety Net, Wealthy,Romney vs Reality,new political cartoons
More Romney VS Reality Funnies!

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Bully on Romney

2012 Elections,Mitt Romney,General Motors,auto industry,Cayman Islands, Elections 2012,ROMNEY TAXES, Bain Capital, Mitt Romney 2012 , Romney Offshore Accounts , Romney Tax Returns,Tax Havens, Politics Cartoons,political cartoons,pirate cartoons,vulture capitalism, corporate welfare,occupy wall street,the 1%, class warfare,limited government,Republicans,GOP,Republicons,citizens united,flip flopper,presumptive nominee,etch a sketch,anti gay,religious right bigots,Barack Obama, education, Environment, Gay Rights, Health Care Reform, Hispanics, Labor Rights, Latinos, Middle Class,  Mormons, Osama Bin Laden, Poverty, Presidential Election of 2012, Religious Right, Republican Party, Rudy Guiliani, Science, Social Safety Net, Terrorism, Wealthy, Women
Romney VS Reality!

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Student Loan Debt Crisis!

Elections 2012, Mitt Romney, Elections 2012,Ann Romney, Election 2012, Mitt Romney 2012, Mitt Romney Diane Sawyer, Mitt Romney Dog On Roof, Romney Dog, Seamus Romney, Politics News, Dogs Against Romney, Obama Dog Meat , Romney Dog Crate,Doggy Wars,political cartoons, dog owners
Dogs Against Romney

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Earth Day 2012, What You Can Do!

Elections 2012, Elections 2012, Buffett Rule, Warren Buffett, Buffett Rule Fails, Buffett Rule Senate Vote, Buffett Rule Vote, Buffett Rule Vote Fails Senate, Millionaires Tax, Obama Buffett Rule, Politics News, the 1%,filibuster,GOP political tactics, Republicans, conservatives, fair tax, tax day, Democrats, political cartoons, liberal,billionaires, income taxes, The Joint Committee on Taxation,political gimmick,  GOP filibuster,Mitt Romney
The Buffett Rule filibustered!

Alec , American Legislative Exchange Council, Shoot First bill , Alec Criticism , nra, national rifle association,Castle Doctrine , Stand Your Ground , Trayvon Martin , Self-Defense , Stand Your Ground Law , Stand Your Ground Laws , Trayvon Martin Case ,  Crime News Trayvon Martin,George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin Police Video, Black Voices News,Armchair Detective, George Zimmerman Neighborhood Watch, Trayvon Martin Shooting, Trayvon Martin Witnesses, Trayvon-Martin-911-Calls, political cartoons,gun laws,stand your ground law, Shoot First, National Rifle Association, Florida, Marion Hammer, Florida Gun Rights, Gun Rights, Gun Reform, Politics News,Florida grand jury,racial profiling, vigilantism, vigilante
The NRA, ALEC and the Stand Your Ground Law!

Judicial activism, Supreme Court, Anthony Kennedy, Florence v. Board Of Chosen Freeholders, Strip Search, U.S. Supreme Court, Anthony Kennedy Strip Search, Fourth Amendment, Scotus, Strip Searches, Supreme Court Strip Search, Thomas Goldstein, United States Supreme Court, Politics News,political cartoons,editorial illustration,political satire,Roberts court,Chief Justice John Roberts,Samuel Alito,Clarence Thomas,Justice Anthony Kennedy
Judicial Activism

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